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Dr. Lisa Anderson’s projects and international residencies explore our connection to the stewardship of the planet through histories and stories found in folklore and superstition around the world.

Searching for Ghosts of Desire
Searching for the Ghosts of Desire. Work in progress during Artist-in-Residence at Abbotsford Convent. This work developed from wandering the grounds, stalking the corridors and reading the texts...and just imagining the tales, the ghosts that I hope find their love now if not then.

singing up stones
This image comes from the First image projection onto the Sydney Opera House in 1998. An hour long performance work with projections on the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge Pylons, as well as a sound work and performance work with a cruise liner.

Frozen Tide
This is a still from the video work Frozen Tides. Created from footage Created in Iceland for exhibiton in Journeys Due North. at Art Gallery of Ballarat.

Ignis Fatuus. video still
This work was developed as a a part of my Rupert Bunny Fellowship for the City of Port Phillip. This work plays with the ideas of swamp gases, that light and play across water luring strangers to their deaths in folklore. In fact the gases are poisonous and would indeed disorientate or even kill passersby. 2023. 10 minutes.

The Mountain Shrugs
Infrared images created in the Himachal Pradesh during earthquakes around me during residency in the Himalayas.
Infrared images created in the Himachal Pradesh during earthquakes around me during residency in the Himalayas.

Bears Dream of Svalbard
Work created using images from residency in Longyearebeyen Art Gallery and Museum in Svalbard.
Polar Bears were filmed both in the wild and in zoos around the world. This bear dreaming of Svalbard is in an aquarium.
Polar Bears were filmed both in the wild and in zoos around the world. This bear dreaming of Svalbard is in an aquarium.

Ghosts and Gods Mae Ping
I created a series of capes referencing local folklore and materials. This dancer performed for video work. Exhibiton at SAC Gallery in Bangkok.

Dancing Ghosts and Gods.
Image created in Thailand project. 2019 for exhibition Human Horizons at SAC Gallery Bangkok. 2020.
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