Dr Lisa Anderson. Artist : www.lisaanderson.com.au
Lisa Anderson’s projects and international residencies explore our connection to the stewardship of the planet through histories and stories found in folklore and superstition around the world. Installations use multi-media including video/sculpture/installation to explore and engage the landscape and the built environment in dramatically changing environments pushed by geopolitics of weather and mass migration. Dr Anderson has lectured at a number of Australian and International institutions and awarded the Innovation Fellow in Architecture at UTS; The Creative Fellow at the University of Wollongong, Visiting Fellow at Tianjin University China and the Inaugural Fellow and Artist at the Australian Museum. Festivals projects include Singing up Stones, the first projection on the Sydney Opera House; Writing the City in the Brisbane Festival of Big Ideas and Sydney Writers Festival; Tiga Tiga for Ten Days on the Island, Tasmania, and Venice Bienalle Fringe Festival.
I Was Thrilled
Two painting created together cut up and woven together.
120 x 120, canvas watercolour inks.2023.
2020 Human Horizon. Photo and video installation at Subhashok Arts Centre, Bangkok
Slow Art. Lockdown project from Wedderburn to Cambelltown Art Gallery.
Barter for Your Dreams. Online lockdown project. International.
2019 INhale EXhale. Installation Yerring Station Art Prize.
2018 TeddyBear EXtinctions. Installation video & sculpture. BOA.
View #64 of Hjorthfells: Landscape Burnt. Ravenswood Art Prize finalist.
Brides. Mardi Gras exhibition Paddington Gallery.
2017 Frozen Landscape. Ravenswood Art Prize Finalist.
Spirit House. These are small flat pacs. The print is created using stills from the video works with ghosts. Spirit Houses are a strong part of Thai beliefs. 2020. editioned flat pacs available through SAC Gallery in Bangkok. or contact below.

2016 Journeys: Due North. Commissioned solo exhibition creating new work based on over 10 years of Arctic exploration. Art Gallery of Ballarat.
2015 Great Big Colour-In Book of Stories. Video sculptural installation. Commissioned for
The Melbourne Athenaeum 175th Anniversary.
In The Breath of Ghosts. Major installation Commissioned as special event by Ballaarat
International Foto Biennale.
Laneway Bride #1. In Print. Los Angeles Digital Museum, LA.
I Met a Flute Player on the Road to my Dream. Video work Hidden Bodies Exhibition. Venice Palace.
Venice Biennale Fringe.
Illuminate Athena #3. White Nights Melbourne. The Athenaeum.
2014 Frozen Memories. Installation Wollongong City Gallery.
Reflective Memories. Video installation MVFram. Bergen Norway.
Reflective Memories#2. Multiple billboard projection Times Square, New York.
Tricksters in the Forest. MECA, Spain. (and) Rimbah Dahan Dance Projects Malaysia (and)
Pennylvania Museum Outdoor Projections, (and) Federation Square projection projects;
Tiga Tiga: The Pod. Installation Lorne Sculpture Biennale.
2013 Tricksters & Huldefolke. Video and Ceramics Installations Art Toronto. Canada.
Tiga Tiga. Inflatable Scenic World Sculpture Prize Blue Mountains,
Tiger Memory Domain House, Ten Days on the Island, Tasmania.
2012 Beneath the Architecture of Beauty. Bicha Gallery. London. Blake Prize, Sydney. Finalist
2011 PRECIOUS, installation, Aarhus outdoor sculpture SXS Denmark
sand:bone:clay. Special screening for ISEA, Istanbul. (and) Premier at the St Tropez Film
Festival, France.
Clouds in the Beijing Breeze. Video installation Redgate Studios Beijing. China.
2010 Ends of the Earth, Photographs, Bicha Gallery London, UK
IVU (Frozen Tsunami) Sculpture at Byron Bay.
The Walk. Video installation REDGATE Studio Show, Beijing, China.
China RED. Photographs touring Amsterdam, London, Singapore. Bicha Gallery.
2009 ATTLA (snow that makes beautiful pictures as it falls). Sculpture installation with multichannel
projection, video wall and photographs /collages at Customs House, Sydney.